TMD Treatment in Durant at Westside Family Dentistry 

When functioning normally, the jaw joint or temporomandibular joint facilitates smooth lower jaw movement, allowing patients to easily speak, chew, and swallow. However, for some patients, this critical connective joint can lose its ability to function correctly over time, leading to a number of complications. Known as temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD), the numerous problems caused by joint issues can compromise an individual’s ability to perform basic oral functions without pain or discomfort.

At Westside Family Dentistry, our Durant dentists offer specialized treatment for alleviating TMD symptoms and helping patients regain total oral function. We offer a range of minimally invasive and comprehensive treatments in order to provide our patients with a treatment specifically tailored to their unique case of TMD.  

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What is Joint Dysfunction?

The mandible (jaw) is connected to the skull via condyles, rounded edges which glide along corresponding sockets at the base of the skull. Between these temporomandibular joints (TMJ) lie soft tissue discs which absorb the shock that comes from performing basic movements. When these pieces work together in a synchronized fashion, jaw movement is easy and pain-free.

However, when one part of the joint fails to function properly, patients are at risk of developing temporomandibular joint dysfunction. TMD refers to any number of conditions characterized by pain in the jaw, head, or any of the surrounding tissues, as well as restricted jaw movement. While there is no single cause of TMD, symptoms indicate a correlation between jaw trauma, bruxism, and orthodontics as risk factors for developing TMD.

Diagnosing and Treating TMD

Often, diagnosing this condition can be difficult, with many patients not realizing that jaw discomfort and limited oral function are the results of joint disorders. As a result, many neglect seeking treatment, leaving themselves vulnerable to secondary consequences of TMD which can include sleep disorders, lower back pain, dizziness, and vision problems.

Our Durant TMJ dentists have undergone extensive training in diagnosing and treating cases of TMD. During comprehensive evaluations, our dentists examine each patient’s bite and take highly detailed scans patients’ dentition to create a 3D model of teeth alignment.

After a diagnosis of TMD has been made, we then create a TMD treatment plan to correct bite. In many cases, stabilization splints are utilized on either the top or bottom arch to gradually retrain the jaw to rest in the correct position. Depending on the case of TMD, our dentists may also recommend the patient undergo orthodontic therapy to permanently address bite problems. Patients also receive a series of exercises to perform at home for joint relaxation.

Schedule Your TMD Consultation Today

If you are experiencing head, neck, shoulder or ear pain, migraines or earaches, nighttime teeth grinding or pain and fatigue in your jaw, you may be exhibiting signs of TMD. To help alleviate these symptoms, visit Westside Family Dentistry today. By offering both diagnosis and treatment in one convenient office, patients don’t need to worry about being referred out to another specialist. Rather, you receive comprehensive, personalized care at the hands of our highly-trained dentists.